Romance in Manhattan

Romance in Manhattan is a 1935 American comedyromance film directed by Stephen Roberts, starring Francis Lederer and Ginger Rogers, and released by RKO Radio Pictures.

Karel shows Sylvia his taxi but she says her show has closed. He is glad to be the head of the house for his friend. Karel comes home early because of a strike and helps Sylvia with the washing. She hopes to marry a rich man but he kisses her. The two women ask the landlady if Novak is living in Sylvias apartment. Sylvia goes to court for Frank. The judge Oscar Apfel says she isand asks about Novak, who explains the situation is innocent. The judge says Sylvia must give up Frank to an institution until she is married.Frank packs Karel walks out, and Sylvia cries. Karel goes to Murphy and asks how to get married. Murphy says he only needsand maybe his naturalization papers. So Karel goes to attorney Halsey J. Pander Arthur Hohl, who asks for 50 and promises to make him a citizen right away. Karel goes back to drive a taxi even though he gets beat up because of the strike. Sylvia tells Karel that she and Frank are leaving. Karel asks her to marry him. Sylvia says no but changes her mind. A man comes to take Frank. Karel tells Sylvia he is in the country illegally but expects to be made a citizen. Karel is arrested, as Pander is turning him in for money. Murphy intervenes, and the police sergeant Sidney Toler makes calls to arrange a marriage license and to hire a minister Donald Meek. Murphy arrests Pander for speeding and calls immigration. Karel is vaccinated at the police station, and he and Sylvia are married. ........

Source: Wikipedia